PHP / Python Beanstalk sockets event Job -

i'm using phalcon php server side , send job beanstalk doc said.

to execute jobs inside beanstalk have python script. script search if there existing jobs , execute them. moment execute script linux command line.

then, want execute python script automatically when job created , execute task. thought sockets.

it's possible catch beanstalk socket event when receives job , execute python script ?

finally wrote python script tornado beanstalkt.

here code.

import tornado import beanstalkt  def show(msg, value, cb):   print(msg % value)   cb()  def stop():   client.close(ioloop.stop)  def connect(s):    print('connection established')    reserve()  def reserve():   client.reserve(callback=lambda s: show(       "reserved job %s", s, lambda: delete(s["id"])))  def delete(job_id):   client.delete(job_id, callback=lambda s: show(       "deleted job id %d", job_id, reserve))  ioloop = tornado.ioloop.ioloop.instance() client = beanstalkt.client(host='my-server', port=11300) client.connect(callback=connect)"my-tube") ioloop.start() 

theses line establish connection beanstalk server.

client.connect(callback=connect)"my-tube") ioloop.start() 

i'll start worker once connect successful why i'm using callback inside connect method. watch method focus on tube want , start method start async loop non blocking i/o.

in connect function i'll call reserve function. if no job available reserved , no timeout given reserve wait futur job , triggered beanstalk socket.

after can give want inside reserve function. here send show function test process. after print i'll call delete callback delete current job.

hope helps.
