java - Main thread hangs because of BlockingQueue's consumer (which I thought was on another thread) -

i have test blocking (first block of code). have few elements working together. have blocking queue put events on to, have consumer takes them off , sends them amazon kinesis. pretty sure test getting blocked because queue blocking consumer though thought running on separate thread.

// @test public void testwhileloop() throws interruptedexception {     arrayblockingqueue<event> testq = new arrayblockingqueue<event>(1024);     // mockkinesis mock @ class level.     kplposter kpl = new kplposter("teststream", mockkinesis, testq);     event event = new event("testmessage", "testpartition");     listenablefuture<userrecordresult> fakereturn = mockito.mock(listenablefuture.class);      final atomicinteger numberofwhileloops = new atomicinteger();      mockito.doanswer(invocation -> {         numberofwhileloops.incrementandget();         return fakereturn;     })     .when(mockkinesis)     .adduserrecord("teststream", "testpartition", bytebuffer.wrap("testmessage".getbytes()));; // hangs here      for(int = 100; > 0; i--){         testq.put(event);     }      kpl.stop();     kpl = null;      assert(numberofwhileloops.tostring()).equals("100"); } 

here run method of basekinesisposter kplposter inherits. should noted basekinesisposter implements runnable interface.

// @override public void run() {     shutdown = false;     while (!shutdown && !(thread.currentthread().isinterrupted())) {         try {             this.runonce();         } catch (interruptedexception e) {             thread.currentthread().interrupt();         }catch (exception e){             e.printstacktrace();         }     } } 

finally, here part of kplposter's (which extends basekinesisposter) relevant runonce() method.

// @override protected void runonce() throws exception {     event event = inputqueue.take();     //other stuff in method } 

how make sure blocking on queue consumer doesn't block test/main thread?

when call; 

it invokes method called. nothing special happens , method run in current thread.

when call


this starts thread in turn calls run() in new thread.

btw thread.stop() throw unsupportedoperationexception in java 8. shouldn't use it. should allow finish naturally.
