ios - SiriKit: Invalid Siri Support - No example phrase -

i have uploaded itunes connect app uses sirikit. didn't need special sentence didn't add appintentvocabulary.plist

i received email saying:

invalid siri support - no example phrase provided insetmessageattributeintent in "en" language

invalid siri support - no example phrase provided insearchformessagesintent in "en" language

invalid siri support - no example phrase provided insendmessageintent in "en" language

i've read online have localize appintentvocabulary.plist didn't create it. can't find solution. shall localize english language info.plist?


from apple documentation, appstore give warning if appintentvocabulary.plist not defined.


it recommended provide global vocabulary file app , use specify 1 or more example phrases each of app’s supported intents. although global vocabulary file not required, app store issues warning apps declare siri support not include sample phrases intents.



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